We're waiting to hear from you!

Whether you want to sell us your scrap metal or are looking to buy car parts; get in touch, we’re waiting to hear from you!

Register for a customer account* today by downloading the account registration form here and either email the completed form back to info@hjl.je or bring it with you on your next visit.

* Customer accounts forms are also available at the HJL weighbridge

For more information call: 01534 613 600 or email: info@hjl.je

Bellozanne Scrap Yard, Bellozanne Valley, St Helier, Jersey JE2 3JX

OPENING HOURS: Monday to Friday 7.30am to 4.15pm and Saturday 7.30am to 12pm


Friday 23nd December: Open 7.30am- 4.15pm

Saturday 23rd December - Thursday 28th December: Closed

Friday 29th December: Open 7.30am-4.15pm

Saturday 30th December - Monday 2nd January: Closed

Tuesday 3rd January: Open 7.30am- 16.15pm

Merry Christmas!

For more information about EMR, visit Web: uk.emrgroup.com

For more information about Jersey's recycling and waste requirements, visit www.gov.je/recycling

01534 613 600
